Our Primary Passions:

To worship God
To serve the church
To reach out to others with the love of God

International Christian Assembly - Torrevieja, Spain Celebrating Jesus

English-Speaking Interdenominational Evangelical Church

Church LogoWe are an Evangelical Church Made up of People From Many Nationalities.

Our sole purpose is to know and love God. Realizing that Christianity is NOT a list of norms to follow, we emphasize a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ, who triumphed on the cross, and rose from the dead to provide the way to God the Father.

Weekly Service Times

Sunday, 11:00 hrs
English Worship Service

Sunday, 18:00 hrs
Spanish Worship Service (Culto en Español)
Time for our Winter Schedule

First Sunday of the month

Junior Church
During Morning Service

Saturday, 17:00 hrs
Dutch Speaking Church on ICA Premises

Address and Contact Info

Calle Beniajan 14, 03185
Torrevieja, Alicante

Tel. 966.799.273 or 660.127.276

Ministerio de Justicia– Registro Nº 018138 (AMG Espana) NIF-R5800717J

Please join us
at one of our church services.

All are welcome!
Contact us for further information.

Below are just a few of the Sermon Series that you can listen to by going to ICASermons.org

Click on any of the titles to take you to the page for the series.


When was the last time we thought deeply about heaven?
Focused on this life and world as though this is all there is.
My goal is that you will be excited to get there and to encourage you to live with heaven in your sight.

4 sermons

We Have Found The Messiah

A Prophet, a Priest, and a King, this would be the Messiah. Why Messiah?
You see in His infinite wisdom and love God devised a way to recover all that had been cursed by sin. God needed to destroy sin by righteous Judgment and for this he would send Messiah who would restore man to all his original Glory.

4 Sermons

Judges - The Cycle of Life

Mostly an unknown book, called a sad book, because of the low spirituality that is related in Jewish history.
But don’t be fooled, this book is modern. It has violence, tragedy and evil, it shows the perversity of their days, but know that we live in equally perverse times.

The book answers the question .... “Where is God when bad things happen?"

29 Sermons

Let My People Go

Freedom from spiritual enslavement.
The famous line from Moses to Pharaoh.
As believers we do not realize how bound we are by legalism, grudges, the wrong metamorphosis in which we find ourselves and much stemming from our wrong Personal Identity. If the Son makes you free you will be free indeed.

4 Sermons

ICA Building
ICA Front
ICA Entrance